Faculty of Economics and Business

Dean of the Faculty

Abdraimova Diana Baishagylovna

Dear applicants!

Dear applicants, you have a unique opportunity to get an education in economics and business. We open the doors to the fascinating world of business, which is associated with professional activities in both commercial and government structures. The faculty has a wide variety of educational programs: “Economics”, “Finance”, “Accounting and Auditing”, “Management”, “State and Local Government”, “Tourism”, “Catering and hotel business”, “Assessment".

If you want to gain knowledge that will help you build a business in the future and be financially literate, then Almaty Technological University is the perfect choice for you.

Having gained knowledge in the field of economics and business, you will learn how to conduct effective activities in a modern market economy. Such spheres of human activity as economics, finance and management are closely linked. After all, the level of its financial and economic indicators and the coherence of the work of all departments depend on a well-built enterprise management system.

We will help you master your future profession, learn a foreign language, complete an internship at the world's leading universities in academic mobility programs, meet employers and, of course, make new friends.

The faculty also implements a double–degree education program, thanks to which, upon graduation, a graduate can receive two diplomas at once (from ATU and a partner university) in two different specialties.

If you want to keep up with the times, come to us!


The training of specialists in the field of economics of light and food industry at the university began back in the 70s of the last century.

The Faculty of Economics and Management was established in the former Almaty branch of the Zhambyl Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry by order of its director dated July 10, 1995, pursuant to Order No. 155 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 15, 1995. 

The first dean of the faculty was Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor Tulegenov Bolat Tulegenovich. In subsequent years, the faculty was headed by Ph.D. in Economics, Professor Kozhamkulov Tazabek; Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor Zheldibaev Asan Egemberdievich; Ph.D. in Economics, Professor Dzholdasbayeva Gulnara Karimovna; Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor Yesaidar Urzada Serimkyzy.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Zhanguttina Gulnar Olzhabaevna devoted more than 10 years of her life to ATU and made a huge contribution to the development and strengthening of the Faculty of Economics and Business as dean from 2010 to 2021. Gulnar Olzhabaevna made a significant contribution to the opening of a double degree program with the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.

  From 2021 to 2022, the dean of the faculty was PhD, associate Professor Murzalieva Aymenai Kenesbayevna. Currently, the faculty is headed by PhD, Associate Professor Abdraimova Diana Baishagylovna. Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs from 2023 to the present is Kirbetova Zhanar Sagatovna. Diana Serikovna Pahuasheva has been appointed Deputy Dean for Educational Work since 2024.

A great contribution to the development of the faculty was made by a well–known scientist, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Naribayev Kupzhasar Naribayevich - Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Kazakh SSR, Deputy Chairman of the State Commission of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR, Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh State University, Adviser to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, from 2002 to 2006 worked as Vice-rector for educational and methodological ATU's work and international relations.

The faculty was one of the first in the republic in 2003 to switch to bachelor's degree training in the credit system of education. To date, the faculty's teaching staff includes more than 50 teachers, including 6 doctors, 28 candidates of sciences, 6 PhD doctors, more than 30 masters of Sciences. The faculty trains students in 7 areas of bachelor's degree, 7 areas of master's degree and 3 areas of doctoral studies.

Since 2014, on the basis of the Kazakh-Swiss Institute of Tourism, Restaurant and Hotel Business, staff training has begun under the program of double-degree education in the areas of training "Tourism", "Catering and hotel business".

In July 2016, an agreement was signed with the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow) on the implementation of a similar joint program in the educational programs "Economics", "Finance", "Hospitality".

Graduates of the faculty successfully work as middle managers at enterprises of the hospitality industry, in financial institutions, the National Bank, insurance and audit companies, as well as in all sectors of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Education at the faculty is based on the best traditions of classical education using modern innovative methods.

The prospects for the development of the faculty include the creation and widespread introduction of information technologies in education, the introduction of electronic textbooks and teaching aids, virtual laboratory work, the further creation of expert and consulting groups, and the expansion of innovative educational programs.

The Faculty of Economics and Business has now become one of the leading departments of the university, which trains specialists in demand by the market. The faculty today includes the following departments: "Economics and Management", "Accounting and Auditing" and "Tourism and Service Maintenance".

Since 2024, Diana Serikovna Pahuasheva has been appointed as the Deputy Dean for Educational Work.

Departments of the faculty

A successful career
begins at ATU

Students undergo internships followed by employment at leading enterprises in Kazakhstan

ATU occupies a leading position in Central Asia and is included in the list of the best technical universities in Kazakhstan

Faculty life

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from 8:30 to 17:30

Economics and Business at the University of Almaty

The demand for specialists in the field of finance, management and economics is growing every year. Universities in Kazakhstan offer educational programs taking into account the demands of employers. The Faculty of Economics and Business at the university prepares specialists in different areas, teaching planning strategies, calculating a profitable deal, knowledge of mathematics, building economic and strategic schemes and much more. Almaty Technological University builds training in the field of business and economics in such a way as to develop future specialists' entrepreneurial skills, to familiarize them with logistics and financial analysis.

Faculty of Economics and Business: Programs

A successful career depends on the knowledge gained in organizing the management of a large business, the ability to build and implement a plan, to use resources competently. Having received the profession of accountant, economist, manager of tourism, restaurant business and other related specialties, you can count on a decent salary, demand as a qualified specialist, there is also an opportunity to open your own business. The Faculty of Economics in ATU provides the following directions:

The Department of Economics and Business offers educational programs in state and local government, economics, management. The Faculty of Economics and Business prepares specialists who after graduation work in the banking system, in the civil service, at enterprises of food and light industry. 

Teachers of the Accounting and Finance Department train specialists in accounting, auditing and financial activity of insurance companies, second-tier banks, drawing up business plans of organizations; workers who are able to analyze budget leakage indicators, support projects. 

The tasks of tourism and service direction include preparation of graduates for further work in managerial positions. Students get specialization in restaurant business, hotel business, event management and tourism. Upon graduation, graduates have the opportunity to realize themselves in airlines, travel agencies, hotels, restaurants, and cultural venues. 

The main goal of the faculty is to train bachelors, masters, doctors, in specialties, as well as to organize scientific and practical activities.

ATU: science and cooperation

The Faculty of Economics and Business at ATU builds a research program based on innovative and scientific-practical projects. Research work on innovative management methods in RK, on the basics of organizational and economic development of production is carried out. Student scientific conferences, exhibitions, symposiums, congresses, seminars are held. Students and teachers participate in scientific and practical international and republican conferences. Teachers and students publish scientific researches, articles, textbooks. There is a club “Young Investor” at the Department of BuiF, which allows young people to acquire professional skills during their studies. 

Cooperation with international universities and academies allows to exchange experience in management, finance and economics. Studying in international universities is possible within a semester, a year or several years. 

Faculty of Economics and Business: additional information

Students are offered the educational program “finance” in ATU, as well as foreign languages, economics, business, management. All educational programs are designed taking into account the conditions of market economy. 

Joint cooperation on educational programs allows graduates of ATU to get 2 diplomas of state sample of RK and partner university on specialties: economics, management and other specialization.